providing a full range of international standard medical and emergency services.
Recently Integrated Clinic Company (I.C.C.) is expanding its presence all over Egypt specially in Red sea and Sinai Peninsula.
We provide our clients with sustainable health and medical solutions, allowing them to focus on their core mission, confident that a trustable and experienced partner provide them with the primary, emergency and preventive health services they need.
Get on-site medical and safety personnel when you need them.
Keep your employees healthy and productive with proactive, on-site workplace health and safety.
Is to be the number one regional medical company
that provide medical care in remote areas.
Is to deliver exceptional and affordable medical care to organizations located in remote areas.
Four values guide Integrated Clinic Company’s mission to this day, are an expression of the intent of our founders
Ensure your worksite has all the medications and equipment you require to take care of your people.
Ensure your employees are fit for duty with comprehensive screenings, coordination, and reporting.
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